Malajisk Cherita
[på engelsk udtalt CHAIR-rita]

Cherita er det malajiske ord for en historie ellerberetning. En Cherita består af en enkelt strofe med et enkelt linietvers, efterfulgt af et to-liniet vers og så afsluttet med et tre-linietvers. Det kan enten være skrevet alene eller af op til tre personer.

Cheritaen fortæller en historie. Det blevskabt af ai li den 22. juni 1997 til minde om hendes (ja... ai li er ethun navn) bedsteforældre, der var dygtige fortællere. Det varogså inspireret af Larry Kimmels følsomme genkendelse af enkortet form indeholdt inden for den begyndende tre vers linie af ai lisLUNENGA, der blev skabt den 27. maj 1997.


ai li's samling
Larry Kimmel samlingen
En Cherita af Anthea Arnold
En Cherita af Richard Cheevers

ai li's samlingaf Cheritaer

old woman at the door

collecting for
hungry ghosts

the shroud
she wears
for shawl


drifting paper boat

the rain
on banana leaves

by an open window


black limo on a wet day

the empty florist

on stone


christmas eve...

the presents wrapped
a cup of camomile tea

anonymous call
your eyes
avoiding mine


a passing phase...

the drawers full
of lingerie

he orders
by phone
asking for black lace



a stingy moon

the cotton sheets
between my legs
are wet


tiara in a pawn shop

the missing ticket
with the sacked companion

autumn dusk
she sits in a ballgown
fraying at the hem


the hush in a library

a fly
on the woman's nose

to sneeze
or not
to sneeze
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LarryKimmel samlingen

Thanksgiving Day

candles and wine
a 3lb turkey

snow falling
through maple trees
a man and a woman...


tangled sheets

tainting the walls
a neon's pulse

by the window
the glow
of a cigarette
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En Cherita af Anthea Arnold

One little boy sulked, sat silent,

another shuffled his food round his plate
complained he was tired, cold, bored;

a third drank too much of the fizzy drink
made rude noises, had to go home.
They were all over sixty.
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En Cherita af RichardCheevers

Drinking wine

she mentions her fiance
in bed with flu

Avoiding eye contact
cures . .
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